Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly

Empowering Students in Partnership with the University of Washington Autism Center

At Liddane, we believe that education should be inclusive, supportive, and tailored to meet the diverse needs of every learner. Our mission extends beyond academic excellence; we strive to empower students of all backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles. One of our most significant partnerships is with the University of Washington Autism Center.

The UW Autism Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting families and individuals affected by autism. The center provides essential clinical services, including assessments, therapy, and counseling, to individuals with ASD and their families. By addressing specific needs, they foster growth and well-being. Public awareness and community knowledge play a crucial role in supporting individuals with ASD. The center conducts workshops and training sessions to equip educators, parents, and caregivers with valuable insights and strategies.

Liddane Tutoring works closely with families of students with ASD, providing academic tutoring, study skills, and personalized strategies at all grade levels. Our goal is to enhance learning outcomes and build self-reliance throughout students' education journey. As autistic students transition to higher education, we guide them through the college application process as well as other aspects of becoming successful. Our tutors offer personalized assistance, ensuring that written components (essays, personal statements) reflect their unique strengths and aspirations.

 We celebrate diversity and recognize that every student brings a valuable perspective to the learning journey. Our partnership with the UW Autism Center exemplifies our commitment to creating a supportive, compassionate, and empowering educational environment for all students.

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly

Navigating Senioritis: Staying Focused and Supported

As the school year winds down, many high schoolers find themselves grappling with a lack of motivation, decreased academic performance, and a general sense of restlessness. For student athletes, the pressure to balance academics and sports can exacerbate these feelings. ‘Senioritis’ symptoms may include procrastination, indifference toward assignments, and a longing for the freedom that awaits after graduation.

For student athletes, senioritis can be particularly challenging. Balancing practices, games, and competitions with coursework and college applications can feel overwhelming. The pressure to perform well both academically and athletically can take a toll on mental and physical health.

At Liddane, we have a long history of helping students manage the end-of-school year, and feel good heading into summer and what lies ahead. Learn more about how we can support you.

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly

IB and AP Testing Support at Liddane

As AP (Advanced Placement) and IB (International Baccalaureate) testing season approaches, we are here to support rising juniors and seniors in the process.  AP and IB classes, along with strong test scores, can enhance college applications. They demonstrate students’ commitment to academic excellence and readiness for college-level courses.

Success on these exams can mean skipping certain college prerequisites, saving students and their families both time and money. For instance, a full IB diploma in 2015 was equivalent to 45 credits at the University of Washington —essentially a full year of college! Investing time in exam preparation can yield significant rewards.

Our tutors help students familiarize themselves with test structures, timing, and tasks. Understanding the tricky elements unique to AP and IB exams can go a long way toward managing the process. We support students in managing timelines, practice tests and through the long and complex IB Essay writing process.  Our tutors focus not only on subject matter but also on test-taking strategies and stress reduction. Confidence matters as much as knowledge.

As spring approaches, rising juniors and seniors face the most intense part of the year. Sign up with Liddane Tutoring now to navigate the AP and IB testing landscape. Let's ensure you're well-prepared to excel in this testing environment! Contact us today.

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly

Content Tutoring at Liddane Tutoring Services

At Liddane Tutoring Services, we recognize the critical importance of aligning our educational approach with our local school curriculum and expertise. Here's how we cater to the specific needs of elementary students in our community:

Personalized Approach: Our highly trained tutors are not only experts in education but also intimately familiar with local school systems. They skillfully tailor their teaching methods to meet the unique needs of each student, ensuring effective learning experiences.

Comprehensive Coverage: From mathematics and science to language arts and social studies, we cover all standard subjects based on the local curriculum. Our goal is to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for success within our community.

Safe and Supportive Environment: Learning flourishes when students feel safe, supported, and empowered. Our tutors co-create an environment of trust, respect, and high expectations, considering the classroom context and the specific challenges our students face.

One-on-One Learning:  Our model emphasizes personalized attention. Tutors establish unique relationships with students and families, serving as trusted mentors, teachers, and coaches. They understand the nuances and opportunities within our local schools, ensuring targeted support.

Contact us today for a free consultation. Let's unlock your child's potential together!

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly

Why Summer Learning Matters: Liddane Tutoring's Role in Skill Retention

As days get warmer, summer break beckons. Time away from regular routine is a wonderful thing.   We also see it as an opportunity to keep young minds sharp, ensuring they return to school with renewed vigor and understanding. And having our team of expert tutors help tackle skill retention and reading lists gives families more time to play together.

Think of student athletes—the ones who hit the gym even during the off-season. They know that consistent practice maintains peak performance. Similarly, Liddane keeps minds agile. Whether it's math drills or essay prompts, we believe in year-round learning. Summer isn't a pause; it's a chance to sprint ahead.

Research has long warned us about the "summer slide." When students take a break from learning, they risk forgetting vital facts and skills acquired during the school year. Imagine a student's hard-earned math prowess slipping away like sand through their fingers. It's a real concern—one that Liddane addresses head-on.

For our youngest learners in elementary school, summer isn't just about splashing in pools. It's a chance to reinforce foundational skills. Liddane's tutors work magic with decoding instruction, phonics mastery, and sight reading. We use previewing strategies to help students recall prior knowledge and set a purpose for reading. These building blocks pave the way for confident readers. And writing? We encourage imaginative stories and descriptive paragraphs, nurturing young authors.

As students climb the academic ladder, challenges evolve.  Essay writing becomes an art form, and math concepts deepen. Liddane offers support for high-level math and science courses, ensuring that calculus, physics, and data science don't remain mysteries.

At Liddane, we don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Our tutors connect with students as people first, recognizing their unique needs and interests. Whether it's ESL support, executive function coaching, or college test prep, we tailor our approach. And yes, we're here during summer too—bridging gaps, nurturing growth, and ensuring that skills remain razor-sharp.

Summer isn't a void; it's a bridge. Knowledge gained during the school year shouldn't evaporate—it should flourish. Liddane Tutoring ensures that students return to school not just refreshed but armed with sharper skills. Reach out to see how we can help your family truly make the most of summer.

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly

Support for High Level Math and Science Courses 

Are you a high school or college student seeking to excel in math and science? At Liddane, we offer online tutoring for students of all levels and abilities. Whether you need help with calculus, physics, data science, or any other advanced subject, we have a team of exceptional tutors who can help you master the concepts and skills you need. 

Our tutors are not only experts in their fields but are also skilled at using web-based tools and platforms that elevate online learning. They use interactive whiteboards, screen sharing, video conferencing, and other features to create engaging and effective sessions. They also customize their instruction to suit your learning style, goals, and preferences. You can choose from one-on-one or small group tutoring, as well as flexible scheduling. 

We understand that college students and their families have busy and demanding lives. That's why we offer online tutoring that is convenient, accessible, and affordable. You can access our services from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an Internet connection. You can also get support whenever you need it, whether it's for homework, test prep, or project assistance. Our tutors are friendly, patient, and supportive, and they will help you boost your confidence and performance. 

If you are interested in learning more about us and how we can help you, you can visit our website or contact us for a free consultation. You can also read some of the testimonials from our satisfied customers or browse our blog for some useful tips and resources. We are more than just a tutoring service, we are a learning community that cares about your success. Don't miss this opportunity to take your math and science skills to the next level with us. 

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly

Get Ahead of Your College Application

Summer is the ideal time to start preparing for college applications. With most schools going test-optional or test-blind, the written portion of applications has become even more critical. Our college application experts can help you make the most of your summer by providing you with the necessary tools to succeed.

Our virtual class covers all aspects of the application process, including essays, activity lists, and recommendations. You will learn how to prioritize activity lists and write effective activity descriptions within the space constraints of the Common App. We will also help you understand the components of writing an effective “Why Us?” essay and determine effective uses for the optional essay sections.

In addition, we will discuss how Covid-19 and post-pandemic issues have affected the college application process. By the end of the course, you will have completed a solid essay draft for the Common App and/or UW application.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get ahead of the game. Register now to secure your spot in our college application workshop.

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly

Prepare for College Applications with Liddane Tutoring

One-on-One Guidance for a Successful Journey

At Liddane, we understand that the college application process can be overwhelming. That's why we offer personalized, one-on-one support to students and families. Our private tutors work closely with you to prepare your student for this crucial next step in their academic journey.

Why Choose Liddane Tutoring?

Customized Approach: Our experienced tutors tailor their guidance to each student's unique needs. Whether you're an aspiring athlete with summer tournaments or a dedicated scholar, we've got you covered.

One-on-One Support: Summer is the ideal time to start preparing for college applications. With most schools adopting test-optional or test-blind policies, the written portion of applications has become even more critical. Our college application experts will equip you with the necessary tools to succeed.

Online Workshops: Our virtual class covers all aspects of the application process, including essays, activity lists, and recommendations. You'll learn how to prioritize activity lists and craft effective activity descriptions within the space constraints of the Common App. We'll guide you through writing an impactful "Why Us?" essay and help you make the most of the optional essay sections.

Secure Your Spot Now! Don't miss out on this opportunity to get ahead of the game. Register for one-on-one college application help or for our college application workshop before spots fill up. (Plus, if you register by March 31, 2024, you'll receive 10% off the cost of the workshop!)

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly

Why Executive Function Matters

At Liddane, we want our tutors and our students to develop and share skills that will support the efforts of each. That is why most of our tutors are trained in executive function and why we work with many adults and students on how to make the most of their brains. 

Executive function skills are a set of cognitive processes that help individuals plan, monitor, and execute their goals. It is a crucial aspect of our daily lives that enables us to think, act, and solve problems. Foundational skills such as response inhibition, working memory, emotional control, flexibility, sustained attention, and task initiation are essential for developing executive functioning abilities. These skills allow us to focus on relevant sensory information, organize our environment or schedule, inhibit behavior that flouts social expectations and norms, plan for the future, mentally evaluate the possible outcomes of different problem-solving strategies, choose actions based on the likelihood of positive outcomes, estimate time and effort necessary to achieve an outcome, and initiate tasks necessary to carry out decisions.

Advanced executive functioning skills such as planning, prioritizing, organization, time management goal-directed persistence, and metacognition are necessary for living independently and competently. These skills enable us to learn new information, keep new or recent information in our minds, and use this information to solve problems of everyday life. They also help us improve our abilities to stay focused, plan ahead, regulate our emotions, think flexibly and creatively. In conclusion, executive functioning is a vital aspect of our cognitive abilities that helps us all thrive.

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly


Working with the fifth grade cohort of Rainier Scholars was a fantastic experience. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn more about what testing strategies could help, their willingness to spend a Saturday inside, and their smiles filled my heart with renewed vigor about what it means to be an educator. Rainier Scholars is a scholar-centered program that focuses on student success. The program offers a comprehensive 12-year curriculum that combines academic enrichment, mental health support, college counseling, and leadership and career development. I am grateful to partner with organizations like Rainier Scholars that are committed to providing transformative educational opportunities to hard-working, low-income students of color.

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly


At Liddane, we work with students of all ages. When to hire a tutor depends on the individual student. If your child is struggling in one or more subjects in school, they may reach a point where the rest of the class is moving on but they haven't mastered the basics. This can leave your child feeling insecure, making it harder and harder for them to catch up. Tutoring can provide consistent, professional support, one-on-one lessons, and coaching to develop the skills needed for lifelong learning. Topics covered can be specifically tailored to individual students. For example, a student who struggles with reading might go back over phonics and letter sounds. Children can review without feeling embarrassed in front of their peers.

Tutoring is flexible and can focus on the specific needs of each child and family. Children may attend once or multiple times a week, can increase time during school breaks, and can discontinue once they have mastered the skills needed.

If your child is struggling to keep up with the regular pace of work or if you see that your child's grades are beginning to drop in a class or subject, it might be time to consider hiring a tutor.

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Amanda Kelly Amanda Kelly


Taking breaks is crucial for cognitive rejuvenation, stress relief, creativity, focus, physical health, memory consolidation, procrastination prevention, social interaction, and sustained long-term productivity. Research shows that learning is promoted by periods of rest in between practice times so that a skill can be consolidated while awake.

At Liddane, we support our students taking breaks when learning, especially in light of the last year, when many have had to navigate increased school -life balance issues with coming out of the more isolated pandemic years.  In fact, taking breaks is part of the work we do with students and adults of all ages gaining better executive functioing skills.

Executive functions are the skills that help us plan, organize, solve problems, and manage time. We all have challenges with executive functions sometimes, but for some students, these challenges can interfere with their academic, social, and personal goals. That's why we offer executive function coaching to help students improve their executive skills and achieve more.

Adults can also benefit from executive function coaching. Whether you are a college student, a professional, an adult with ADHD, or a lifelong learner, our executive function experts can help you set and stick to your goals. If you are working with one of our tutors on an advanced subject, you can also get help with planning and accountability. Our tutors and coaches can help you make the most of your study time and reach your full potential.

Executive function coaching is not just a study skills class. It is a personalized learning plan that you co-create with your tutor or coach based on your needs and goals. You will learn how to use your strengths, develop a growth mindset, and apply your skills to different situations. You will also build a practical and personal toolkit that will help you become a more independent and confident learner. The goal is not only to do well in school, but to develop lifelong habits and strategies for success. Reach out to learn more.

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Making the Most of Parent Teacher Conferences

Asking the right questions during an elementary parent-teacher conference is crucial for understanding your child's progress and how you can support their education. Here are some beneficial questions you might consider asking so that you gather as much information as possible:

How is my child performing in comparison to the class standards?

This question helps you understand where your child stands academically compared to the expected grade-level standards.

Can you show me examples of my child's work?

Asking for specific examples provides a clearer picture of your child's strengths and areas that need improvement.

What are my child's strengths and weaknesses?

Understanding both strengths and weaknesses helps you support your child's learning more effectively.

How does my child interact with classmates and participate in class?

Social interaction and class participation are as important as academic performance in most situations.

Does my child seem engaged and enthusiastic about learning?

A child’s attitude towards learning can impact their academic success.

Are there areas where you think my child could improve?

This question helps identify specific areas for potential growth and development. What are some goals that the teacher has for the student?

How can I support my child's learning at home?

Suggestions from the teacher can guide you in reinforcing learning at home.

Is there anything happening at school that I should be aware of?

Staying informed about school events and any issues can help you provide better support.

How does my child handle stress or challenges in the classroom?

Understanding how your child copes with challenges can help you provide appropriate support at home.

The Liddane team supports students from elementary school to adulthood. If your are concerned about your student’s individual progress, please reach out.

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Announcements, From Andrea Liddane Announcements, From Andrea Liddane

First Quarter Grades Are In!

As the first quarter of the Seattle schools school year comes to an end, the reality of grades can set in for many students and families.  For college bound students, the emphasis on academic performance and course rigor is crucial for admissions, especially  with many colleges no longer requiring SAT and ACT scores. 

Maintaining  high grades can be difficult as the school year progresses. Some students may find themselves falling behind or struggling with challenging classes. That’s why hiring a tutor can be a smart decision. A tutor can help students master the content and skills they need to excel in their classes and can help reduce the stress and pressure that students and their families may feel. 

At Liddane, we are committed to helping students achieve their academic potential. We offer customized tutoring services that match your needs and goals. Our qualified tutors can help you with any subject or assignment and provide you with individualized attention and feedback. Our tutors are experts in their fields and have extensive experience working with students of all levels. 

We know that every student can learn and succeed. Whether a student needs help with writing essays, executive function and time management skills, preparing for tests or improving grades , we are here to support you along the way.  Contact us today to find out more about our services and how we can help you reach your academic aspirations. 

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Sign Up for Free Demystifying the College Application Online Workshop

Join us November 7 for a free online workshop featuring LB Kussick, owner of Kussick College Coaching, and Andrea Liddane, Founder/Executive Director of Liddane Tutoring & Learning Services. With the uncertainty surrounding SAT and ACT scores, it’s become even more important to look at the college application process holistically. In this workshop, high school sophomores, juniors, and family members will learn about the current college admissions landscape, including the long-lasting impact of the pandemic on higher education and college admissions. We’ll also cover how to build a college list, whether to test or not to test, and the essential components of the application process. Additionally, we’ll discuss how AI can both help and hurt a student’s college applications, and what colleges mean when they look for “rigor.” Finally, we’ll provide useful resources for researching colleges and a few key things to know about financing. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from the experts! Register.

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October Rigor

Given that many colleges are no longer accepting SAT and ACT test scores, the focus on class rigor and GPA is even more critical to the admissions process.

And this is the time of year when grades that started out high in September start to slip.  Hiring a tutor to help navigate challenging classes can support students in learning the content as well as performing to the best of their abilities. It is also a way of relieving some of the stress and pressure experienced by students and their families.

At Liddane, we understand that keeping up with schoolwork can be challenging. That’s why we offer personalized tutoring services that are tailored to your needs. Our experienced tutors can help you stay on track with your studies and provide you with the support you need to successfully navigate classes.

Whether you’re struggling with a particular subject or just need some extra help managing homework, our tutors are here to help. We offer one-on-one tutoring sessions that are designed to explain complex content, reinforce academic concepts, and stay on track. Our tutors are experts in their fields and have years of experience working with students of all ages.

We believe that every student has the potential to learn and find success. That’s why we work hard to provide you with the tools and resources you need to achieve your goals. From essay writing to doing your personal best in classes, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your academic goals.

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College Applications, From Andrea Liddane College Applications, From Andrea Liddane

Join us this week for Demystifying the College Application Workshops.

We are proud to be able to partner with companies and schools eager to help students get the best chance possible of realizing their college dreams.

Our free Demystifying the College Application Workshops online workshop is a great opportunity for high school sophomores, juniors, and family members to learn about the current college admissions landscape. The pandemic has had a long-lasting impact on higher education and college admissions, and it’s important to stay informed about the latest developments.

One of the most important steps in the college application process is building a college list. This workshop will provide valuable insights into how to build a college list that is tailored to your needs and preferences. Another important consideration is whether or not to take standardized tests. The workshop will explore this topic in depth and provide guidance on how to make an informed decision.

The essential components of the application process will also be covered, including how AI can both help and hurt a student’s college applications. Additionally, the workshop will explain what colleges mean when they look for “rigor.”

Useful resources for researching colleges will be provided, along with key information about financing. It’s important to understand the financial aspects of college applications so that you can make informed decisions.

Our online workshop is an excellent opportunity to learn about the college application process and gain valuable insights into how to succeed in this competitive landscape.

Register here.

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Why Executive Functioning Matters

At Liddane, we want our tutors and our students to develop and share skills that will support the efforts of each. That is why most of our tutors are trained in executive function and why we work with many adults and students on how to make the most of their brains.

Executive function skills are a set of cognitive processes that help individuals plan, monitor, and execute their goals. It is a crucial aspect of our daily lives that enables us to think, act, and solve problems. Foundational skills such as response inhibition, working memory, emotional control, flexibility, sustained attention, and task initiation are essential for developing executive functioning abilities. These skills allow us to focus on relevant sensory information, organize our environment or schedule, inhibit behavior that flouts social expectations and norms, plan for the future, mentally evaluate the possible outcomes of different problem-solving strategies, choose actions based on the likelihood of positive outcomes, estimate time and effort necessary to achieve an outcome, and initiate tasks necessary to carry out decisions.

Advanced executive functioning skills such as planning, prioritizing, organization, time management goal-directed persistence, and metacognition are necessary for living independently and competently. These skills enable us to learn new information, keep new or recent information in our minds, and use this information to solve problems of everyday life. They also help us improve our abilities to stay focused, plan ahead, regulate our emotions, think flexibly and creatively. In conclusion, executive functioning is a vital aspect of our cognitive abilities that helps us all thrive. 

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From Andrea, Tutoring Tips Liddane From Andrea, Tutoring Tips Liddane

Support for Students with Busy Schedules 

Tutoring can be an effective way to help students stay on track with their schoolwork, especially for those who have other commitments such as sports or theater performances. Our tutors work with athletes and other busy students to understand their learning style, identify areas of improvement, and provide exam preparation. Having expert support can help alleviate stress for families and for students.  

Tutoring can be beneficial for students who are involved in any extracurricular activities. One on one work with a tutor can help students improve their grades on assignments and stay on track with scheduling and completing assignments. Tutors can also offer additional individualized learning to support the classroom experience.

At Liddane, we offer one-on-one learning that allows tutors to establish unique relationships with students and families, enabling them to be trusted mentors, teachers, and coaches. We provide short-term support for students working under tight deadlines, without requiring a packaged commitment or minimum number of sessions. Contact us for a free consultation to get started.

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How Young is Too Young for a Tutor?

Parents often wonder if their young children in first or second grade need a tutor. Teachers and child development experts suggest that young children continue reading, writing, or practicing math outside of school hours and while on break. However, in busy families, making time for this can be difficult. A tutor can help provide lively, learning-based enrichment and reinforce lifelong skills such as patience, self-advocacy, and goal setting. 

Tutoring is flexible and can focus on the specific needs of each child and family. Whether it is best to start tutoring right away or wait to see how a student does on their own will depend on the individual student. Reach out to us to see how we can help your elementary student lay a strong foundation, easing stress for your whole family.

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